An urgent, heartfelt appeal to you

Teen Challenge SA relies heavily on donations within the church and the community. Please consider supporting us today for our appeal. All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.

Christmas is always a difficult time for Teen Challenge SA, and this year has just thrown us a curve ball. So, I am writing to ask if you may be able to assist financially.

Teen Challenge SA always faces financial constraints at Christmas, such as increased student demand, extra funds needed to cover the holiday period, and our supporters taking a well-deserved break. During this time, financial support often dries up.

As you will read in the newsletter, the coolroom, which services students and staff, has broken down, is unrepairable, and needs replacing for $8,280. This item was not in our budget. This is not a luxury item but a vital resource essential to operations. The coolroom allows Teen Challenge SA to prepare meals in advance, buy food in bulk and feed students and staff on a daily basis.

By supporting the replacement of the coolroom, you will be helping people like John (not his real name). In John’s own words, ‘Life was falling apart, and I had my first suicide attempt’, and then due to the TC residential program, ‘through Teen Challenge, I was finding comfort in the word of God, prayer, the Bible, and worship. These things gave me the comfort I was searching for my whole life’.

John went on with God and was successful in gaining employment! Now that is a changed life!

You may not be in a position to purchase the coolroom for Teen Challenge SA, but you may be able to put your gift with the gifts of others. If 100 people donated $82.80, the goal would be reached. If you are a regular supporter, maybe you could consider giving an additional $82.80 to your regular gift?

I apologise if I sound a little desperate; it is just that the situation is desperate. Please prayerfully consider filling in the response slip today and returning it. Or go online to with your vital support. Please contact me if you would like to know more. May God bless you, and may his face shine upon you.


Graham Ross

PS ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).