Global TC leaders gather in South Australia


In March, Teen Challenge SA assisted in hosting the 2023 Global Teen Challenge Asia Pacific Conference.

It was an encouraging and inspiring time, with attendees savouring the fellowship after being unable to meet in person for the past three years. Most of the conference was held at the beautiful Stamford Plaza Adelaide, with the delegates also visiting our Living Free Centre and local churches during their stay in Adelaide.

Global Teen Challenge has approximately 1400 affiliate centres across 129 nations, with the ministry continuing to grow worldwide in line with the original vision and burden given to David Wilkinson. A key message that flowed throughout the conference was the centrality of the gospel and the stewarding of the original Teen Challenge DNA across all centres and services.

During the conference, Bernie and Cathy Gillot (Teen Challenge Global Evangelism Coordinators) and the Cornerstone Housing SA Band led attendees in refreshing times of worship and praise. Directors from more than a dozen Asia Pacific nations gave testimonies and reports about the work God is doing in freeing men and women from the devastating effects of addiction.

A key message that flowed throughout the conference was the centrality of the gospel and the stewarding of the original Teen Challenge DNA across all centres and services.

Global Teen Challenge Asia Pacific Directors Jim and Kathy Lowans and Global Training Coordinator Gregg Fischer led sessions on the DNA of Teen Challenge, service accreditation, Sober Peer (web-based recovery software), and group and personal studies for New Life (updated Teen Challenge curriculum). These conference sessions were highly valued and are expected to help shape the ongoing development of local Teen Challenge services over the coming months and years.

A highlight was the shared time of fellowship held at the Teen Challenge SA Chapel. Graham Ross shared an inspirational testimony of God’s faithfulness and providence in housing the men’s Living Free program in its current residence. The delegates were amazed and delighted to see evidence of God’s love and provision for the men served by Teen Challenge in SA.

It was wonderful to meet with other Teen Challenge delegates from across the region, learn of each other’s cultures and experiences and be reminded about how much we have in common in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to be called together to serve in such a wonderful ministry.