Life-changing 100&1 Club Event

Teen Challenge SA’s 100&1 Club held its first corporate event on 21 April 2022, attended by 28 guests and hosted by Hub & Spoke, our corporate partner in strategy and design.

Guests had the opportunity to mingle and connect, and the event featured several guest speakers. John Lochowiak, Hub & Spoke partner Indigenous relations, provided a warm Welcome to Country and highlighted how addiction has severely affected Indigenous people across Australia. Mark Aiston, 100&1 Club ambassador, also talked about how proud he is to partner with Teen Challenge SA and gave a personal account of how addiction has negatively and severely affected his life. We also heard from Kim Allen Horscroft, a previous participant in our Living Free program.

Our CEO Graham Ross provided guests with an overview of the life-changing and positive effects of the program, and a Q&A session took place with Teen Challenge SA worker Will Leske to give attendees a detailed understanding of the program.

Become part of the 100&1 Club and help transform someone’s life today! To register for the club or sponsor someone, visit

Photos courtesy of Futuro Avenue, Daniel Bertolo.