We are seeking a new home

Building on 38 years of transforming lives in South Australia for people who suffer from addiction and substance abuse, we are seeking a new home.

The next decade marks a time where South Australia has one of the highest recorded rates of methamphetamine use globally, coupled with alcohol being the most widely used drug in Australia.

We have been leasing premises from YWAM in the Adelaide Hills, which is now no longer fit for purpose. The facility has exceeded its useful life and will limit our capacity and ability to provide a premier service. We will be vacating the premises at the end of our lease in February 2021, if not before.

This announcement potentially paves the way for the funding of a significant increase in Teen Challenge’s Living Free residential rehabilitation program. To meet demand, we have commenced scoping potential locations to relocate and/or build a new rehabilitation and research centre for excellence.

However, we cannot do this without you! To all of our donors, we say a big thank you for what has been achieved to date, but now is a time where we need you to keep donating like never before. As we move into this new season, it will be because of you rising to this challenge with your prayers and donations, which shall usher in a new chapter for Teen Challenge SA and the people we serve.

This is a watershed moment for Teen Challenge SA, which over the last 38 years, has transformed the lives of thousands of clients. However, the social impact of alcohol and other drugs has become so pervasive it affects all socio-economic groups in our society.

Therefore, the demand placed on our services is really stretching us. Every day, our team serves clients who have reached out in desperation. Our mission-driven program provides people from all walks of life with an opportunity to rebuild their lives without being judged.

We are now actively engaging in discussions with property owners, developers, and government, private and corporate sectors with the intention of securing an interim facility while finding a new location to build our new centre for excellence.

People today are now demonstrating greater empathy towards this very serious social problem. It is especially encouraging that the private sector is showing a willingness to work together in making a difference towards this very worthy cause.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact CEO Graham Ross via the website.

Once again, thank you for all of your support these last 38 years. Please pray for us and continue to support our ministry with your financial gifts, which are deeply appreciated.